Course Management Systems

Digitizing articles, book chapters, and other copyrighted works to place in course management software (such as Moodle) may constitute copyright infringement. Reproducing materials, whether through photocopying or digitization, still constitutes reproduction.

See Library Reserves for information on what materials may be placed on course management systems.

Alternative Methods Of Information Delivery

Instructors may want to consider alternative methods of providing students with materials, such as:

  • Links to Materials
    Linking to materials already lawfully posted on the Internet or available through Library databases is often the most efficient method of providing materials to students. Consult with the librarians about the availability of journals in full text, or search for journal titles using Online Journals at K.
  • Traditional Coursepacks
    Consider using coursepacks if the copyright owner grants permission for creating hard copies of materials, but denies permission to post the same materials electronically.
  • Online Educational Resources
    These are free, open textbooks that faculty can change and edit without copyright permission.